








Steve Rogers did, in fact, realize that something was off when he saw the outline of the woman’s odd bra (a push-up bra, he would later learn), but being an officer and a gentleman, he said that it was the game that gave the future away.


No, see, this scene is just amazing. The costume department deserves so many kudos for this, it’s unreal, especially given the fact that they pulled off Peggy pretty much flawlessly.

1) Her hair is completely wrong for the 40’s. No professional/working woman  would have her hair loose like that. Since they’re trying to pass this off as a military hospital, Steve would know that she would at least have her hair carefully pulled back, if maybe not in the elaborate coiffures that would have been popular.

2) Her tie? Too wide, too long. That’s a man’s tie, not a woman’s. They did, however, get the knot correct as far as I can see – that looks like a Windsor.

3) That. Bra. There is so much clashing between that bra and what Steve would expect (remember, he worked with a bunch of women for a long time) that it has to be intentional. She’s wearing a foam cup, which would have been unheard of back then. It’s also an exceptionally old or ill-fitting bra – why else can you see the tops of the cups? No woman would have been caught dead with misbehaving lingerie like that back then, and the soft satin cups of 40’s lingerie made it nearly impossible anyway. Her breasts are also sitting at a much lower angle than would be acceptable in the 40’s.

Look at his eyes. He knows by the time he gets to her hair that something is very, very wrong.

i’ve reblogged this before but this one has further breakdown of exactly why, and i love it. (also hell yes, kudos to the costume department for this; it’s wrong, but it’s so clearly DELIBERATELY wrong considering how well they nailed it during the 40s sequences).

The wait-for-Steve-to-wake-up committee could have used this very handy article how to recreate a 1940s bra silhouette.

And another giveaway is that her hair is too long for regulation (and I could be wrong, but I think her shirt would be better-fitted).

#but did they nail the actual 40s scenes?? #i recall squirming over the hair throughout #and from what i’ve seen of the new show #they still don’t grasp #hair ABOVE the collar (tags via tumblingmagpie)


You bring up very valid points, lohelim, but they did in fact NOT get the 40s look 100% accurate.

Oh my god, tumblr, this is still so irksome that I’m actually going to get photos to illustrate.

Once again: I give you Peggy’s red dress:

Look at that foam bra with visible cups.

Oh hey, here’s Natalie Dormer to further illustrate my point:

Foam bra AND hair that is most certainly NOT regulation. Also, her shirt is too tight and skirt is too short. But hey, producers like to see that kind of sexy. She is, after all, only in the film to play the seductive secretary, that hussy.

Okay, now let’s see what a quick Google image search will get us if I type in “women of wwii”

Well, this site, for one:

And photos like these:

Not exactly the kind of sexy uniform producers like to see… In fact, the fake 1940s blouse fits more like the ACTUAL 1940s blouses. Natalie Dormer’s is way too tight for the time period. That pulling button is kind of driving me up a wall.

And as for hair, even now, the armed forces have a rule women must keep their hair above the collar, or back in a bun/ponytail (@janinekspendlove, back me up on this…), but it’s EXTREMELY obvious in all the propaganda.

And my personal favorite WWII Marines poster:

So yeah, sure, it’s a cute little point to bring up how bloody inaccurate S.H.I.E.L.D. was with their “Authentic 1940s Officer” ™. In fact, it’s a sadly accurate portrayal of how the whole stupid entertainment industry thinks wardrobe is fucking useless (another rant for another day). But truth be told, the costume department wasn’t exactly spot-on throughout the film.

Re-blogging for even more detail.

Ooooo, interesting! Am going to forward this to my costumer friend now, for her take on it.

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